Sunday, October 4, 2020


 Hi, and welcome to my blog! You might know me as Jean Marie Bauhaus, or you might know me as Jeanie Nicholson. Once upon a time, back before I got married, you might have even known me as Jeanie Cousins.

Or you might not know me at all. Let's rectify that.

Photo © Matt Bauhaus
What's with all the names? Well, I was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma as Jean Marie Cousins, and switched to Bauhaus fourteen years ago when I married my husband, Matt. But for the most part, I've always gone by Jeanie outside of my professional life. Nicholson is my grandmother's maiden name, and it seemed like a good fit for a pen name when I decided to depart from my horror and urban fantasy roots and start writing sweet romance.

Around here, I'm just Jeanie, and this is my personal blog. If you've read my author blog, as a horror writer, you'd have seen some of the darker side of my personality--the part that gets a thrill from good scares and things that go bump in the night. Here, it's all about the lighter side--the side of me that loves rainbows and puppies and pumpkins and romance.

On this blog you'll likely find a lot about the things that matter most to me in life, like faith, home and family. And food. Lots of food. Expect to read a lot about my biggest passion--following Christ and studying the Word. You'll also likely find a lot about homesteading and prepping, books and knitting, doing life in the Arkansas Ozarks, and basically everything to do with the cozy, laid-back life of an introverted homebody who spends most of her time either taking in or putting out words all day.

If any or all of that sounds good to you, be sure to hit the Subscribe button to add my blog to your e-mail or RSS feed so you don't miss a post. And then grab your favorite cozy beverage and let's sit together a spell!


  1. Hooray! I'm thrilled to be in this new space, hanging out with you.

    - Becky

  2. And I'm thrilled to have you here. Yay!
