Friday, October 9, 2020

Celebrating Fall - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!


As far as I'm concerned, THIS is the most wonderful time of the year. When it comes to fall, I'm a walking cliche. I love boots and scarves and flannel. I love Halloween and October and that Anne of Green Gables quote. And I love pumpkins and all the pumpkin-flavored things. Here's a quick list of all the pumpkiny goodness I look forward to each and every fall (you'll notice PSL is not on this list):
  • Pumpkin ale (Our favorite is Fat Jack by Samuel Adams, but alas, it's been discontinued)
  • Dunkin Donuts pumpkin spice coffee (Archer Farms comes close)
  • Celestial Seasonings Pumpkin Chai Spice
  • Pumpkin macarons.sandwich cookies from Walmart bakery -- SUH GUD!
  • Little Debbie Pumpkin Spice rolls
  • Thomas pumpkin bagels (Aldi's are good, too)
  • Pumpkin oatmeal
  • Toasted pumpkin seeds
  • Aldi's pumpkin spice bread
  • Pumpkin scented candles
  • Reese's pumpkins (it counts!)

And just in case you were confused about how I really feel about fall, and October in particular, here's a poem I wrote about it a while back:

Ode to October

O month of months, in you I most delight.
No day of birth, nor remembrance day to mark,
Just that Eve of Saints, carved pumpkins set alight,
Costumed kids parading through the dark.
What fun! But not the only reason
October is blessed of all the seasons.

Autumnal sun warming days to perfection,
Chilled nights that coax to deepest slumber.
Cozy mornings breakfasting on pumpkin-spice confections,
With blankets, scarves and sweaters am I happily encumbered.
Reds and russets, orange and yellow hues,
Leaves turning, anticipating natures cues.

With a steaming mug and gladness in my heart
I welcome you, October, to this place.
Thirty-one days until you must depart
To make way for times of thankfulness and grace.
Winter, spring and summer I must bear
Till you make your way around again next year.


 What are your feelings about fall? Do you love the sense of coziness it brings, or do you just dread the herald of winter? Do you have your own fall favs or do you scratch your head at all the pumpkin love? Sound off about fall in the comments!


  1. Wow! I love your poem. I didn't even know you write poetry. It's perfect for fall.

    - Becky

  2. Thanks! I wrote a lot more of it when I was younger, but it still spills out of me on occasion.
